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+375 (17) 345-35-09

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Anti-Corruption commission

THE PLAN of measures for combating corruption

THE PLAN of measures for combating corruption in the healthcare institution «10th City Clinical Hospital» for 2023



Due date

Responsible persons


To ensure the unconditional implementation of anti-corruption legislation in the labor collective


Chief Physician
Isachkin V.P., deputies of the chief physician, heads of structural divisions


To consider at the operational meeting the results of work on compliance with anti-corruption legislation

2nd quarter

Deputy Chief Physician for medical work Omelianyuk A.N.


To hold meetings of the anti-corruption commission

once every six months or as needed   

Chairman of the commission, Deputy Chairman of the commission, Secretary of the commission.


To ensure the practical application of the requirements of Article 40 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated July 15, 2015 No. 305-3 «On combating corruption» in the hospital.


The anti-corruption commission, Head of the Personnel Department Siroch T.P.


Constantly assess and analyze corruption risks with the development of measures to minimize them


Anti-corruption commission


Monitor the timeliness of registration of obligations to comply with anti-corruption restrictions established by law for public officials


Head of the Personnel Department Siroch T.P.


Ensure timely detection of a conflict of interest with immediate measures to prevent or resolve it


Anti-corruption commission, Head of the Personnel Department Siroch T.P.


To dismiss from their posts persons convicted of non-compliance with the requirements of anti-corruption legislation


Chief physician
Isachkin V.P., Head of the Personnel Department Siroch T.P.


Ensure compliance with the rules of ethics of a civil servant (corporate ethics).
Discuss media materials about the fight against corruption in the team.


Deputy chief physician, heads of structural divisions


To acquaint hospital staff with changes in anti-corruption legislation.  


Leading legal adviser Zenevich. E.V.


In accordance with the established procedure, provide legal support for the activities of the hospital, provide legal assistance within the competence of the hospital staff


Leading legal adviser Zenevich E.V.


At the meetings of the anti-corruption commission to consider the following issues:

  • of procedure and channels of hospitalization;
  • of availability of medical care;
  • of control of the issuance of medical certificates;
  • of targeted and effective use of budget funds;
  • of compliance with the procedure for public procurement, procurement at their own expense;
  • of maintenance and repair of medical equipment;
  • of construction and repair work  

once every six months or as needed

Anti-corruption commission


Conduct an anonymous questionnaire among patients, including anti-corruption issues in the questionnaire, analyze the results at operational meetings with the heads of structural divisions.


Head of OMD
Voytko S.G.


To analyze the implementation of the decisions taken aimed at eliminating the causes and conditions that contribute to corruption manifestations


Deputy chief physician, heads of structural divisions


To work with the personnel reserve on issues of anti-corruption legislation

According to the work plans with the personnel reserve

Head of the Personnel Department Siroch T.P., leading legal adviser Zenevich E.V.


Analyze the appeals of citizens and legal entities for the presence of information about the facts of corruption in them


Deputy chief physician for medical work Omelianyuk A.N.


If information about facts of corruption is revealed in the appeals of citizens and legal entities, ensure the provision of materials for consideration at a meeting of the commission   

No later than 14 working days from the date of detection

Deputy chief physician for medical work Omelianyuk A.N.


To ensure control over the work of the "helpline" on corruption offenses (in the answering machine mode)


Deputy chief physician for medical work Omelianyuk A.N.


Conduct instruction on compliance with the requirements of anti-corruption legislation when hiring graduates of higher and secondary medical educational institutions.

During the year

The head of the personnel department of Siroch T.P.


To ensure the selection and placement of civil servants, other employees in accordance with the requirements of the legislation


Head of the personnel department Siroch T.P., Deputy chief physician for safety, regime and personnel Ermalovich A.V.


During the certification of employees, include questions on knowledge of the requirements of the legislation in the field of combating corruption


Head of the Personnel Department Siroch T.P.


Ensure targeted and efficient spending of budgetary funds allocated to the hospital


Chief accountant Razmyslovich Y.A., head of the planning and economic department Dolman O.A.


To ensure compliance with anti-corruption legislation invite law enforcement officers

During the year

Chairman of the commission, deputy chairman of the commission, secretary of the commission


Develop and approve an action plan to combat corruption for 2024  

November-December 2022

Anti-corruption commission

Help desk:
+375 (17) 345-30-46

Reception of the Admission Department
+375(17) 345-35-09