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Help desk:
+375 (17) 345-30-46

Reception for the paid services
+375 (17) 345-32-71
+375 (44) 552-46-72
+375 (44) 552-48-37 - for registration by voluntary health insurance contracts
+375 (44) 552-51-83 - for registration of foreign citizens

Reception of the Admission Department
+375 (17) 345-35-09

Reception of the Department of Laser Microsurgery
+375 (17) 341-64-71

Reception of the Department of Ophthalmology
+375 (17) 311-00-97
+375 (29) 251-51-99

Humanitarian project

1. Name of the project:

"Modernization of part of the premises of the health care institution" 10th City Clinical Hospital " in Minsk for the placement of an intensive care unit for patients with a therapeutic profile on 12 beds»

2. Project implementation period: 2021

3. Applicant organization proposing the project: health care institution "10th City Clinical Hospital" Minsk city

4. Aims of the project: to improve the quality of medical care for patients, including in case of hospital re-profiling in conditions of COVID-19 infection

5. Tasks planned for the implementation in the framework of the project: Purchase of medical equipment:
Wall-mounted resuscitation console for 1 bed - 6 pieces.
Wall-mounted resuscitation console for 2 beds – 4 pieces.
Artificial lung ventilation device with basic functions - 9 pieces.
Artificial lung ventilation device with advanced functions – 4 pieces.
Bedside monitor - 13 pieces.
The device for renal replacement therapy and plasma therapy with a set with a set of accessories – 1 piece.

6. Target group: population of Minsk City

7. Brief description of the project activities: The purchase of medical equipment for the Department of Anesthesiology and resuscitation will provide timely highly qualified specialized medical care to patients who needs an intensive care

8. Total funding (in US dollars): $130,000

Source of funding

The amount of financing
(in US dollars)

Donor funds

130 000 $



9. Project location (region/district, city): Republic of Belarus, Minsk City.

10. Contact person: V. P. Isachkin, Chief physician of the healthcare institution "10th City Clinical Hospital" Minsk City , tel. (8017) 341 92 57, e-mail: Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.

Help desk:
+375 (17) 345-30-46

Reception of the Admission Department
+375(17) 345-35-09