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Help desk:
+375 (17) 345-30-46

Reception for the paid services
+375 (17) 345-32-71
+375 (44) 552-46-72
+375 (44) 552-48-37 - for registration by voluntary health insurance contracts
+375 (44) 552-51-83 - for registration of foreign citizens

Reception of the Admission Department
+375 (17) 345-35-09

Reception of the Department of Laser Microsurgery
+375 (17) 341-64-71

Reception of the Department of Ophthalmology
+375 (17) 311-00-97
+375 (29) 251-51-99

Rapid COVID-19 Antigen Testing

You can take a rapid COVID-19 antigen test at the 10th City Clinical Hospital. The test is used to detect the presence of the virus in the human body at the moment of testing and to identify contagious people.

  • A rapid SARS-CoV-2 lateral flow test is a fast way to early detect COVID-19.
  • You should get tested with a rapid test, if you have been in contact with a person who has COVID-19, if you have any early signs of COVID-19, if you suspect that you have an asymptomatic course of the disease.
  • It is an effective method to screen the people who have a high viral load or are in a risk group.
  • A rapid SARS-CoV-2 antigen test helps to early detect SARS-CoV-2 in the patients with the clinical symptoms of an acute respiratory viral infection.
  • The results of a rapid SARS-CoV-2 antigen test are treated as the results of a PCR test.

How the test is done?

A nasopharyngeal swab with the help of a cotton swab is collected.

You should avoid:

  • irrigating oral cavity with any medications, dissolving tablets, rinsing mouth, brushing teeth at least 3 hours before the test;
  • eating and drinking at least 2 hours before the test;
  • avoid smoking at least 1 hour before the test.

Evaluation of test results:

The presence or absence of the infection at the time of testing is determined:

  • negative – infection is not detected;
  • positive – infection is detected.

The test is done in Room 83 on Monday-Friday from 12.00pm to 2.00pm. A prior appointment is required. To make an appointment, please, call us at:

+375 (17) 345 32 71

+375 (44) 552 46 72

+375 (44) 552 48 71

The cost is 23 BYN for the citizens of the Republic of Belarus and 31,32 BYN for foreign citizens (the cost of the collection of material is not included).

Help desk:
+375 (17) 345-30-46

Reception of the Admission Department
+375(17) 345-35-09