Isachkin Victor Panteleevich
Chief Physician
Office No.50, ph.: 341-98-11, 341-92
Reception time of citizens:
- 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th Thursday, from 08.00 to 13.00
- 3rd Saturday of the month, from 09.00 to 12.00
Sankovich Elena Vladimirovna
Deputy Chief Physician for medical affairs
Office No.49, ph.: 340-17-18
Reception time of citizens:
- Tuesday, 14.30-16.30
- Saturday (according to schedule – 12.04.2025) 09.00-12.00
Tarasik Larisa Vladimirovna
Deputy Chief Physician for surgical care
Office No.53, ph.: 340-16-11
Reception time of citizens:
- Monday, 14.30-16.30
- Saturday (according to schedule – 19.04.2025) 09.00-12.00
Patupchik Yulia Nikolaevna
Deputy Chief Physician for medical work
Office No.56, ph.: 340-02-46
Reception time of citizens:
- Friday, 10.00-12.00
- Saturday (according to schedule – 05.04.2025), 09.00-12.00
Protasevich Diana Valentinovna
Deputy Chief Physician for medical examination and rehabilitation
Office No.52, ph.: 340-11-51
Reception time of citizens:
- Wednesday, 14.30-16.30
- Saturday (according to schedule – 26.04.2025), 09.00-12.00
Ermalovich Anatoly Viktorovich
Deputy Chief Physician for safety, routine and human resources
ph.: +375 (17) 243-65-89
Strelchuk Tatyana Alexandrovna
Deputy Chief Physician for Ideology
Office No.57, ph: +375 (17) 319-95-40
Magolin Dmitriy Nikolayevich
Deputy Chief Physician for economic affairs
ph.: +375 (17) 242-03-11
Cherenkevich Irina Borisovna
Head of planning and economic department
ph.: +375 (17) 232-19-57
Haddad Amina Kamalevna
Head of the department for the organization of extrabudgetary activities
ph.: +375 (17) 340-85-08, +375 (44) 552-51-83